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Visit Rabat Maroc

Arts & Culture

Mohammed V Mausoleum

Right in front of the Hassan Tower stands the mausoleum Mohammed V, a monument of unparalleled beauty.
Its construction began in 1962 and ended in 1971.
This monument is dedicated to the memory of the late monarch Mohammed V, beloved by the people who have always considered the symbol of the Liberation of the Nation.
In the mausoleum one can also see the tomb of his successor, Fire Hassan II and that of his second son, the late Prince Moulay Abdallah. The visit of this monument is a great opportunity to appreciate the true value of traditional Moroccan art.
Outside, a magnificent white marble pavilion crowned with green tiles. Inside, the walls completely covered with “zellige”, the ceiling with its motifs and sculptures on plaster and wood extremely refined demonstrate the ingenuity and know-how of the Moroccan master craftsmen.

Bulevar Mohamed Lyazidi

Mon 09h00-18h00







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